Saturday, April 3, 2021, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
120 Elm Street, San Diego, 92103
Cost: Free
The San Diego Rescue Mission will be celebrating Easter and the hope of the Risen Christ with San Diegans who are low-income or experiencing homelessness by offering a hot boxed “to go” meal, giveaways of essential items, prayer, and encouragement in a warm and genuine environment. This meal will be free to attend. Guests will enjoy a delicious meal of pork tenderloin, scalloped potatoes, broccoli florets, and a dinner roll topped off with cake for dessert. The Rescue Mission’s goal is for every participant to leave with a greater awareness of the Rescue Mission and how lives are changed through its programs. A team of healthcare professionals will also be on site for those in need of medical attention.