Operation Appreciation festival back again to thank local military

Operation Appreciation is back from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 21, to say thank you to local military and their families for their service to the country.

The event, which typically draws thousands of attendees, is hosted by the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce. Active-duty military from Camp Pendleton and other local military bases are invited for free food and live entertainment featuring the Kenny Marquez Band. Highlights include a kids Fun Zone with inflatable jumps, rock climbing wall, children’s crafts and face painting.

Opening ceremonies will begin at 11 a.m. with a Marine Corps color guard presenting colors.

The event will be in a street fair setting on Pier View Way just east of North Coast Highway and will cover more than three blocks in downtown Oceanside.

Free parking is in the Civic Center parking structure and the transit parking garage at Cleveland and Seagaze streets.

A free trolley sponsored by the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department will offer rides to the event from the SALT parking structure on North Cleveland Street and the transit parking garage.

Active-duty military and their dependents must show an active-duty military ID card to get unlimited activities and a free lunch.

The event is open to the public, and food and fun zone tickets will be sold. The event is subject to COVID-19 restrictions.

Visit oceansideoperationappreciation.com.

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