Police chase stolen vehicle through University Heights

A suspected vehicle thief led San Diego police on a chase Saturday morning through University Heights and was bitten by a police dog during his arrest, an officer said.

Police got a call at 10:18 a.m. from someone who said their vehicle was stolen, Officer Tony Martinez said. The caller said they knew where the vehicle was because they had left their phone in it and it had a tracking feature.

Officers found the vehicle with a driver inside in University Heights, Martinez said. When police tried to pull over the vehicle, it sped away, reaching speeds of about 70 mph as officers pursued it along Washington Street.

Authorities stopped the vehicle using a metal spike strip near the Marine Corps Depot on West Washington Street near Belleau Woods Avenue, Martinez said. The driver got out and tried to run away. Police used a K-9 to stop him, and the dog bit the suspect.

Authorities took him to the hospital for treatment of a bite wound.

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