Fused Glass Workshop – Ghost Fossil suncatcher/curved light display and bubble/stringer plate: This is a 2 day class where you will be using plant material to fuse into glass. The plant material burns up in the kiln leaving an ash ghost image of the foliage. The first class you will be placing the plant material/glass on the kiln shelf you will fire to full fuse (1480 degrees) and your choice to be slumped into a curve as a self standing piece. Along with this piece, you will also be placing glass stringers in a pattern that when fused together will create bubble pattern. This piece will be full fused (1480 degrees) and then fuse slumped into a mold. The second class will also introduce you to the use of alcohol ink and will be using the ink to color your choice of pre-made glass suncatchers. In addition you can use the alcohol ink to color your ghost fossil piece. All materials (plants/glass/alcohol ink/gloves) are provided.