On any given day, the border between Baja California and San Diego seethes with travelers in both directions: Americans pushing south into Mexico and Mexicans pushing north into the U.S. What are we all seeking? What draws us to explore “the other side”? Judy Goldstein Botello explores these questions in her book, “The Other Side: Journeys in Baja California.” During her years of wandering through the Baja peninsula, the author discovered her own “other side,” falling in love, in the process, with Mexico in general and with Baja California in particular. Join us to share a virtual journey through some of the most enchanted—and enchanting—places on earth. Judy Goldstein Botello is a retired pediatrician and the author of three books published by Sunbelt: “The Other Side: Journeys in Baja California”, “Adventures with Kids in San Diego”, and “More Adventures with Kids in San Diego” which Judy wrote with her adult daughter.