Local News

Women of Influence 50 Over 50 2021

It’s time to celebrate and honor San Diego’s influential women.

Local News

California border town unveils recovery plan for businesses hurt by travel restrictions

SAN DIEGO (Border Report) — The slogan for San Ysidro is “Commerce Beyond Borders,” a philosophy that’s been put to the test since the pandemic started and essential travel restrictions were put in place almost 17 months ago. The restrictions have limited the number of people who can cross the border for things such as […]

Local News

SDG&E Customers to Recieve Nearly $70 in Bill Credit Over Two Months – NBC 7 San Diego

Thanks to the California Climate Credit Program, in Aug. and Sept. San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) residential customers will see their electricity bills reduced. The electricity bills will be reduced by $34.60 each month for a total of about $69.20. The credit is from a state program that requires power plants, natural gas providers, […]

Local News

San Diego Health Care Workers Weigh in After CA Requires Vaccination – NBC 7 San Diego

In less than two months, all indoor healthcare facility workers in California must be fully vaccinated or workers could lose their job. According to the state health department, California is currently experiencing the fastest increase in COVID-19 cases during the entire pandemic — with “case rates increasing ninefold within two months”. The department also said […]

Local News

Office Market Seeing Strong Recovery

INTEREST NOW ABOVE PRE-COVID-19 LEVELS By Ray Huard Wednesday, August 4, 2021 San Diego’s office market is starting to show signs of a strong recovery to come after struggling through the COVID-19 pandemic.Among the hopeful signs, the commercial real estate firm Newmark reported that investors “came roaring back in the second quarter after a year of diminished […]